Lou Marin

Author, born in 1961. In the 1980s and 90s, he took part in the non-violent, anarchist anti-nuclear movement in Germany and in 1998 published Ursprung der Revolte. Albert Camus und der Anarchismus [Origins of revolt. Albert Camus and anarchism]. In 2001, he moved to Marseilles where he became a member of the International Centre for Research on Anarchism (cira de Marseille), then in 2008, published Albert Camus et les libertaires: 1948–1960, (Marseilles, Égrégores éditions), which was re-edited with Indigène Éditions in 2013. In Le Monde Libertaire, № 1658, of 2–8 February 2012, he criticised Michel Onfray’s interpretation of Camus as a “libertarian capitalist”.